Join Our Guests This Saturday!

Hello AR Fit Fam! We've added an EXTRA Saturday class this weekend (Feb 22) from 11:45am - 12:45pm. We’ll be hosting a student-lead University CrossFit affiliate from San Francisco State. They are interested in experiencing a CrossFit community in action and looking to pick up some ideas & coaching tips for their on-campus box.

They’ll be bringing a squad of student-athletes, but the remaining class slots are open to any AR members that want to attend a later class that day. If you'd like to help develop the local fitness community, or just want to sleep a bit longer this Saturday, join this special 11:45am class! 

-Coach Katoa

WOD For 02-18-20:

Front Squat:



For Time:


Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups


Squat Cleans @ 115/75 lbs

Jenny Morgan