Black Lives Matter. Continue to educate and share resources, if you send them to me I’ll review and share to the group!

As of 6/15 the health order allows outdoor fitness sessions to be held. We are working with the SF Rec & Park department to find somewhere we can obtain a permit for outdoor classes. Summer camps and childcare groups get priority, but we are looking at a couple of options: James Rolph Jr. Field (about .5 miles from the gym) and Louis Sutter Basketball Court (at McLaren park). We’ll send out a survey when we have full details from SF Rec & Park. The health department was delayed in giving them the appropriate information about outdoor fitness sessions, so we’ll need to wait a bit until we can get going! When we are ready we’ll send a survey about times and locations, keep an eye out!

As always, reach out with any questions or concerns about anything.

hWOD FOR 06/20/20

4 Rounds of:

6 cycles - SHARED

5 Clean & Jerk

10 Alternating Pistols


400m Run - TOGETHER

Perform in “I go, you go” pattern for 6 cycles then run together

Score = time completed

Jenny Morgan