Drop-Ins Welcome and sweaty (holiday) Saturday

As we look towards rebuilding the gym and securing a new location, attracting new members will be important for our financial health and ability to create a place we're all proud to call our home.

As always, if you know anyone who might be interested in joining from your networks, please let us know and we'll work together to figure out the best way to bring them in for a trial session either virtually or at an outdoor session based on their experience.

Additionally, while we are without a physical space, we'd like to eliminate Drop-In Fees and start reaching out to the broader SF fitness community to share who we are and invite them to come check us out after our re-launch (more on this coming soon!). If classes are at capacity, we would ask Drop-Ins to come back another time per usual. All athletes - including drop-ins, need to sign up in MINDBODY as usual.

Please let us know if you have thoughts on this and any groups it would be worth reaching out to via email or social media, thanks! (comments@arenaready.com)

Lastly, this Saturday July 4th we're going back to our roots with Hero WOD Holidays and will be doing Hotshots 19 out at McLaren Park, Louis Sutter Playground Softball Diamond. Hope to see you all there!

Sunday we’ll workout at the same location in McLaren park, workout will either be a repeat or something new, depending on who comes out Saturday and Sunday!

WOD for SATURDAY 07/4/20

Hotshots 19

  • 6 Rounds For Time

  • 30 Air Squats

  • 19 Power Cleans (135/95 lb)

  • 7 Strict Pull-Ups

  • 400 meter Run


Cast your final vote for our new name!


Trying something new: Weekly WODs (And don't forget to submit your best ideas for our new name!)