Black Lives Matter.
We as Arena Ready are no longer affiliating ourselves with CrossFit.
Our current period ends in August, and we will not be renewing our CrossFit affiliation.
As we further educate ourselves on the current police brutality & overall systemic issues Black people face, we turned to our “main” organization - CrossFit, to learn their stance on the issue and seek solidarity (if not support) as we would have with physical or training issues.
We found something worse than no response. We are greatly disappointed in the response CrossFit as a company and its individual leaders have shown. Evidence we’ve found to support our decision above:
CrossFit founder & CEO Greg Glassman gaslighting Rocket CrossFit after a thoughtful email asking for a response and providing advice
The CrossFit account posting a racist Instagram post
CrossFit founder & CEO Greg Glassman’s abhorrent response to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
The overall silence on the current situation and overall systemic issues at hand
Reebok has dropped their partnership with CrossFit, as well as many other affiliates will be disassociating and not renewing their CrossFit affiliation. We stand with these groups as we completely oppose the position CrossFit and its leadership has taken. This is a sad and disappointing day, but something that cannot be overlooked.
Arena Ready is still committed to providing the fitness, community and fun that following the CrossFit methodology has given us. We are set on providing the best results we can regardless of the goal. We are still working on providing each of us the gym space we left before COVID. However, we are not going to tolerate the racist comments and silence from what should have been our guiding organization and will no longer support CrossFit.
hWOD FOR 06/08/20
ODD: 3 Sprawl to Tuck Jump THEN 2 OH Squat each Side
EVEN: :30 Deadbug
PART B | AMRAP 12:00
3 Cycles of hCindy
6 Swiffer Power Snatch
9 Swiffer OH Squat
1 cycle of hCindy is: 5 bent over fly, 10 plank to push up, 15 squats
Score = rounds & reps completed