Donations, contact tracing, and board elections

Thanks to everyone who came through to see the new space and drop off toys and nonperishables on Sunday. We’ll keep collecting donations through Wednesday, so come work out and add something to the boxes.

As COVID cases continue to rise in the Bay Area, we ask that you please notify Hillary and Gordon (hill @ & gordon @ if you are exposed to anyone with COVID and/or test positive (in addition to continuing to fill out the FCCF COVID screening form prior to attending any in person class). Your name and information will be kept confidential, but we will notify others who attended and/or coached classes of possible exposure.

And a reminder that the first official FCCF board elections (!!!) will occur from Wednesday 12/16 to Sunday 12/20. We will send more information (via email) regarding the voting process.

MONDAY 12/14/20

PART A | In 20 minutes:

Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

(7 reps of the complex, increasing in weight)

PART B | 4 Rounds for time:

7 Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs

7 Thrusters, 135/95 lbs

Rest 1:30

TUESDAY 12/15/20

PART A | 20 Skill Practice: Rowing Drills

PART B | Each for time:

Row: 5 x 500 m

Start every 5 minutes

WEDNESDAY 12/16/20

PART A | 3 Rounds for time:

300m Run

15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 115/75 lbs

12 Overhead Squats, 115/75 lbs

PART B | For quality:

Dumbbell Box Step-up 1x40 (2 DBs)

3 rounds, for quality:

Overhead Carry, 100ft (2 DBs or KBs)


Wall Walks, 5-8 reps


Sotts Press, 6-8 reps

Jenny Morgan