Burn, Baby, Burn!

Finish the week strong!

We’ve got a beautiful body movement workout for you on Thursday comprising burpees and air squats. Why not work on your form AND your fitness?

Friday brings back the good old “lift & sit,” focusing on Clean & Jerks, followed by some strength accessory work for quality.



THURSDAY 1/14/21

WOD | 10 rounds, go every 3 minutes:

10 Burpees

15 Air Squats

Each round is for time.

FRIDAY 1/15/21

PART A | Lift & Sit:

Clean & Jerk 3-3-3-3-3

PART B | For Quality:

3 rounds:

12 Russian Twists

Farmer's Carry, 50m

12 Single Leg Deadlift


Partner WOD: Christine


Monday, Monday (and Tuesday & Wednesday)