Open Week 1: Here We Go!
It’s here! The first week of our Fog City Open. Read below for the workout, movement tips, and strategy. We’ll see you in the gym on Saturday!
Open Workout 1
AMRAP 15 minutes:
3 lateral burpees over the dumbbell
3 DB hang clean-to-overheads (50/35 lbs RX or 35/20 lbs scaled)
Walking lunges (30 ft)
– Walking lunge is 15 ft out and 15 ft back
– After completing each round, add 3 reps to the burpees and hang clean-to-overheads.
Sign up on MB like you normally would and register for the leaderboard! We'll partner up and run 2 heats per class with up to 11 people per heat. One partner will do the workout, while the other counts reps and judges for standards then switch. If you know you need extra time, come a bit early to get yourself warm and cheer people on.
Burpees over the DB:
Standard: chest and thighs touch the ground, make sure to jump over the DB, not around it. For the jump, both feet must be off the ground, but there is no requirement to take off or land on 2 feet.
Know where to put your hands so that when you stand up, your feet are right next to the DB (not your hands). (Likely DB next to your hips when you’re at the bottom.)
Unless you’re a burpee ninja, considering stepping down and/or up to keep your heart rate in check and as a pacing mechanism.
Stay low! There is no standard to stand up all the way on the burpee, so don’t do more work than you need to.
Avoid worming to protect your lower back: lead with the chest hitting the ground and your butt on the way up.
DB Hang Clean to Overhead:
Standard: First rep can start from the ground, for reps from the hang: DB must be below the hips with working arm straight, DB must be brought to the rack position before going overhead, and the rep finishes with knees, hip, and elbow fully extended and DB in line with the body. Your nonworking hand cannot touch your body or the DB.
Have a plan for switching hands: you can either do a specific number on each hand or alternate each rep. It’s faster for most to do a big set on each arm instead of alternating.
Use momentum and save energy: go straight from the clean into the jerk (not standing up then re-dipping). Catch the clean in the dip position so you’re ready for the jerk.
Standard: start and finish each 15’ segment with both feet beyond the line, the trailing knee must touch the ground, fully extend knees and hips at the top of each rep.
Use these as an opportunity to breathe and prepare for the next set. Think active recovery for your upper body and your lungs.
Make sure you stand up all the way on each lunge, even if you’re not pausing at the top of each rep.
Pacing: slow is smooth and smooth is fast!
Expect the first few rounds to fly by! But things will escalate quickly when the reps hit double digits, so: starting off a little slower and aiming to maintain that pace will be better in the long run. Do not burn out in the first 3 minutes!!
This is really a burpee workout, so try your best to pace them from the start. Pick a pace that is uncomfortable but sustainable.
If you’re an experienced athlete, maintain unbroken DB hang clean-to-overhead for as many sets as possible (switching hands only as needed). It’s better to switch arms than put the DB down. Break only if necessary for a quick shake.
If you’re newer, break your clean-to-overhead into manageable sets as the rounds go along (e.g. 7-5, 8-7).
Slowing down a little and catching your breath on the lunges will set you up for faster burpees and clean-to-overheads.
We will have scaling options for everyone! Remember though, that any reps at RX beat all scores at scaled! So, if you’re able to do some of the clean to overheads at the RX weight, do it! If you hit the wall on them but want to keep doing the workout, tell your judge you’re done with the RX version and switch out whichever movement is limiting you.
Here’s to our first week of having fun, cheering on your friends, and challenging yourself.