WOD: 12/18 "12 Days of CrossFit"

⛄️To cap off our 2021 Holiday WODs, we’ll be doing “1️⃣2️⃣ Days of CrossFit” on Saturday, 12/18 during all class times.

If you enjoyed “Zach’s Sara’s 8 Crazy Nights,” then you’ll LOVE this WOD! It’s the same format but with four additional movements that will work your entire body and get your mentally prepared for whatever late December throws at you. Traveling for hours with screaming children? No problem! Dealing with judgmental relatives? No sweat! Trying to find time and energy to hit up multiple parties? Who cares! After doing “12 Days of Christmas,” you can do anything.


12 Days of CrossFit
For Time, Performed Like The Song*:
1 Run @ 200m
2 Power Snatches @ 135/95 lbs
3 Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs
4 Handstand Push-ups
5 Kettlebell Swings @ 53/35 lbs
6 Box Jumps @ 30/24 in
7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
8 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft
9 Double Unders
10 Pistols, alternating
11 Burpees
12 Thrusters @ 135/95 lbs
This workout is completed like the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Start with 1, then complete 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1, etc. until reaching 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.

🎩Hats off to our 2021 Board of Directors!

Thank you for all you did this year to help this amazing community exist and thrive!

left to right: Mike Olasov (coaching development), Liz Terry (coaching operations), Lindsey Whitehouse (communications and community engagement), Gordon Whitehouse (VP, finance and facilities), Hillary Terry (president), Lindsay Green-Barber (VP, Community Engagement, Comms & Marketing), Lisa Guadagnolo (finance), Zach Gerstein (facilities).

Lindsey Whitehouse
WOD: 12/6-12/11

Happy last night of Hanukkah (12/5) to those who celebrate! 🕎

🤞December reminders:

  • 12/6: Board nominations due. ✍️ Fill out the form here (one form per nomination; no limit to the number of nominations any one person can make)

  • 12/10: Deadline to contribute to the ⛄️FCCF Holiday Fundraising Gift Card Drive 💙for Cesar Chávez Elementary School families. Send your monetary donation via Venmo to @Yami-Rosas.

  • 12/14: Board election polls open ✅

  • 12/16: Town Hall (EVERYONE WELCOME!) at Barebottle Brewing Co. on Cortland Ave near Bayshore. We reserved the outdoor patio from 6pm to 9pm. There will be a food truck and we’re asking folks to bring a baked good. 🧁

Lindsey Whitehouse
WOD: Week 11/29-12/4

Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving 🍗! And Happy Hanukkah! ✡️

We’re welcoming in December this week with a Fight Gone Bad, bench press, and a few for-time workouts. Enjoy!

Lindsey Whitehouse
🦃Thanksgiving Week 11/22-27 (Schedule and more...)🍗

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

This Thanksgiving, we are grateful to all of you, our community. We have made it past a year in business because of the myriad contributions you have made to our facility, communications, programming, and community at large. We hope you take the time this week to reflect on all the ways in which you’ve progressed this year, and remember that you’re a part of something special here. To that end, we hope to see you in the gym this holiday week.

Here’s the modified schedule:

  • Monday-Wednesday: Usual schedule

  • Thanksgiving Day, Thursday 11/25: SATURDAY SCHEDULE but only 2 classes, 8am and 9:15am

  • Friday, 11/26: NO 6am or 6pm.

Lindsey Whitehouse
WOD: Week 11/15-17 -- Did you PR on Saturday?!

We're on to a new week and a new cycle after testing some Oly maxes Saturday and seeing some PRs! In this cycle we're testing some new programming that will include some different warm-ups and accessory work (ie. banded work in today's part B), and continue Olympic weightlifting technique work. Our core WODs will continue to be a combination of what we know and love with strength + conditioning in a variety of formats. As always if you have any feedback or questions, let us know!


  • ☝️DexaScan on Wednesday, 11/17, 4-8pm! (All spots are full.)

  • 🦃Stay tuned for more re: Thanksgiving Week hours.

Lindsey Whitehouse
WOD: 11/11-13 (+ Saturday Olympic Weightlifting Max Out Day!)

Get excited! We will be maxing out the Snatch and Clean & Jerk on Saturday. This will not be competition-style like we did in April with only 3 attempts. Instead, you’ll have 20 minutes per movement to build to a max single. (There’s also an opportunity to go heavy tomorrow with a partner if you can’t make it over the weekend—see below.)

This will be a different workout then we typically do for Saturdays, but we’ll still partner up, help load weights, and cheer for each other as we close out our Olympic lifting cycle and go for max lifts!

Expect classes to run at least the full hour and maybe a bit over as we need more time to fit in max efforts on the 2 lifts. 

If you’re missing that cardio stimulus, throw in a run/row over the weekend and we'll be back at it next week. 

Some general guidance to optimize your performance:

  • Prep for the day. Eat well and get some good sleep the night before

  • Visualize your successful lifts. 

  • Check your recent results for these lifts so you have a sense of what to aim for. (If you don’t know, no problem, we’ll treat it as a heavy single for the day.)

  • Stretch/Mobilize before you get to class

  • Take adequate rest between max efforts (2-3 mins)

  • Don’t be afraid to fail! As long as form is good, going to failure can help us understand our true max. (We’ll go over how to fail safely and coaches will keep a close eye on movements and stop people if things start to get sketchy) 

Lindsey Whitehouse
WOD: 11/8-10 (+ Dexa Scan Reminder!)

Thanks to everyone who came out to the FCCF Fall Picnic today! We had gorgeous weather, delicious food, a bouncy castle, and all of you great folks.

👉Dexa Scan body scan is happening on 11/17! If you haven’t signed up yet, there are TWO spots left (as of Wednesday at 12pm). Sign up here.

Lindsey Whitehouse
Potluck Reminder + WOD: 11/1-6

🍂Happy November!

Our Community Potluck Picnic is THIS Sunday, Nov 7th 11am-3pm at Precita Park. RSVP here.

Also, Daylight Savings happens this weekend — don’t forget to FALL back an hour!

Lindsey Whitehouse
WOD: Week 10/25-10/30

SAVE THE DATE for upcoming FCCF events:

Sunday, November 7, 11am-3pm @ Precita Park: 🎃🍂Fog City Fall Potluck Picnic! 🥑🥐

November 17, 4pm-8pm: Dexa Scan 💪 is back!

Lindsey Whitehouse
WOD: Week 10/18-10/23


FCCF Community Picnic on Sunday, Nov. 7 from 11am-3pm at Precita Park!

BYO blanket, food, drinks. FCCF will provide some snacks and possibly some entertainment.

Hope to see you there!

Lindsey Whitehouse