⛄️To cap off our 2021 Holiday WODs, we’ll be doing “1️⃣2️⃣ Days of CrossFit” on Saturday, 12/18 during all class times.
If you enjoyed “Zach’s Sara’s 8 Crazy Nights,” then you’ll LOVE this WOD! It’s the same format but with four additional movements that will work your entire body and get your mentally prepared for whatever late December throws at you. Traveling for hours with screaming children? No problem! Dealing with judgmental relatives? No sweat! Trying to find time and energy to hit up multiple parties? Who cares! After doing “12 Days of Christmas,” you can do anything.
12 Days of CrossFit
For Time, Performed Like The Song*:
1 Run @ 200m
2 Power Snatches @ 135/95 lbs
3 Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs
4 Handstand Push-ups
5 Kettlebell Swings @ 53/35 lbs
6 Box Jumps @ 30/24 in
7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
8 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft
9 Double Unders
10 Pistols, alternating
11 Burpees
12 Thrusters @ 135/95 lbs
This workout is completed like the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Start with 1, then complete 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1, etc. until reaching 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.
🎩Hats off to our 2021 Board of Directors!
Thank you for all you did this year to help this amazing community exist and thrive!
left to right: Mike Olasov (coaching development), Liz Terry (coaching operations), Lindsey Whitehouse (communications and community engagement), Gordon Whitehouse (VP, finance and facilities), Hillary Terry (president), Lindsay Green-Barber (VP, Community Engagement, Comms & Marketing), Lisa Guadagnolo (finance), Zach Gerstein (facilities).