CrossFit Open 2023 Wrap-up
Congratulations to everyone on an outstanding CrossFit Open! Did you know that about 300,000 people worldwide did the Open this year? It was cool to see our little community participate in this huge event!
Each week, there was so much positive energy in the gym. It was inspirational to see people pushing themselves in new ways. We saw so many firsts – toes-to-bar, double-unders, PR lifts – as well as people achieving things that maybe scared them or that they weren’t sure they could do – like 50 straight toes-to-bar or 5 wall walks in a row. Each week, you showed up and gave it your all. We hope you had fun and learned something about yourself to take into the next year.
A huge thank you to all the coaches and board members who helped the Open run smoothly! And a shout out to Jenny Morgan for the awesome action shots, many shown below.
FCCF Award Winners
Top Rookies: Katie Baudler & Siyu Song
Spirit of the Open: Jason Swan
Jason joined FCCF in August last year and has been a dedicated member of Foundations & evening classes. He was a bit nervous about doing the Open but after talking with some coaches gave it his all, completing all the workouts scaled and getting his first Double Under! Afterwards, he said he was glad to participate with the community and be able to perform new movements. We’re inspired by his dedication and efforts this year and look forward to his continued success!
Top Overall Finishers
Alex Garcia
David Cho
John Robinson
Liz Terry
Kim Tom
Brianne Cannon
Special shout out to Alex, who advanced to the Individual Quarterfinals by placing in the top 10% of individuals in the North America West Region, and Liz and Kim who advanced to the Masters Quarterfinals, placing in the top 10% of their age groups worldwide.
First Time Doing the Open
Taking on the Open for the first time can feel daunting. Congratulations to this crew for completing their rookie year:
Becca Charlton
Faycal Bouab
Hari Manikarnika
Jason Swan
Joshua Richardson
Katie Baudler
Siyu Song