Workout of the Day

Liz Terry Liz Terry

9/23-9/28: Squats low, standards high

At FCCF, we are proud to take form very seriously. As we enter into a new week of workouts, keep in mind that your form is much more important than adding more weight just to reach a # PR. Work up to it with good form. Remember: keep your squats low and your standards high.

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Liz Terry Liz Terry

9/2-9/7: September and Squats

Welcome to September! Along with jumping into a new month this week, we’re kicking off our next block of strength work. You’ll see front squats and push jerks for the next three weeks. See you at the gym!

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Liz Terry Liz Terry

8/19-8/24: Back to school & lifting cycles

Best wishes to those of you and your families that are heading back to school this week! With summer travel winding down, we are returning to a lifting cycle to build strength and are kicking off week 2 of a 9-week programming cycle. Here are some highlights:

  • Heavy days: these will be programmed in three 3-week blocks. Within each 3-week block, the movements will stay the same, but reps will go down and hopefully the weights will go up. Each block will pair a strength lift with a weightlifting variation. This first block is weighted lunges and hang power cleans.

  • We’ll continue to have a day with a longer workout to focus on conditioning. You can stick with the Zone 2 target or you can push for a harder, but still sustainable, pace.

  • Grunt work: we’ll have a day each week with some “grunt work” – different types of carries, sled pulls and pushes, etc. Sometimes these will be in the main workout and sometimes they’ll be our post-workout accessory work.

  • The rest of the week will consist of our classic types of workouts – AMRAPS, EMOMs, chippers, etc. – in short to medium time domains. Depending on the length of the main workout, you may see some lifting before or some post-workout accessory work.

Here’s what’s on tap this week:

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Liz Terry Liz Terry

7/22-7/27 High Summer!

We hope you’re all enjoying the summer season! It’s hard to believe, but we’re a month away from many schools starting up, so we hope everyone has had some time to enjoy activities outside of their normal routines. We have some coaches taking well-deserved vacations and with lower staffing may be cancelling some classes over the next few weeks. Please check our schedule on MindBody or our website the day prior to ensure class is scheduled as planned.

Thanks and see you all at the gym!

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