16.4: What's It Gonna Be?

We'll find out at 5pm on Thursday, along with the rest of the CrossFit world.  The live head-to-head battle immediately after the announcement of 16.4 features the reigning CrossFit Games Champion, Katrin Davidsdottir, and third-place finisher, Sara Sigmundsdottir, so it should be a fun one to watch.  Join us at Arena Ready for the live stream, and as with previous weeks, if you're not able to make it in on Saturday for the Open you're first shot at completing the workout will be on Thursday evening at the 7pm Gladiators class.  

Wall balls? Box jumps? Deadlifts? Handstand push-ups? Overhead squat? Will they save the thrusters for 16.5?! 

I wonder if they got my email suggesting a trivia element or critical thinking AMRAP... 

WOD for 03-17-16:

3-Position Power Snatch (Hip, Knee, Floor):

5 Sets of (1+1+1)





3 Rounds For Time:

400m Run

8 Power Snatches @ 135/95 lbs

12 Toes-through-Rings

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