Back Squat 1RM Test Day
Here we go! The culmination of 8 weeks of targeted back squat training is upon us! If you've made all 15 of the previous back squat sessions, used accurate calculations on your loading, consistently made your sets and reps, and regularly worked out in the times between squat sessions, then chances are you have earned the right to attempt some new PR weights on Friday.
A few words of advice, if I may:
1) Confidence is key. If you did all the things I listed in the paragraph above then you're physically ready for a new 1RM, no question. But testing is different from training, and sometimes the numbers can get into an athlete's head. Remember that your technique and training got you here, and that you've been under heavy weights for a while now - so trust the training, and be confident in your strength. If you're mentally ready to make a new max, then your body can express what it's already physically capable of doing.
2) Don't be greedy. Warm-up much like you've done the last 3 weeks during the "intensity" phase of the program. Don't go changing things up too much or trying new stuff on game day. Once you're through those warm-ups take your old 1-rep max for a single and feel how easy that bullshit is now (I'm probably going to swear at you a little in the gym on Friday, so get over it and see #1 above about confidence). Then be smart about your jumps in weight thereafter - don't leave pounds on the table because you took too big of a jump. Expect that you'll have more than one shot at a new PR, and ask a coach if you want another opinion on what weight to take next.
3) Safety first. Getting pinned or pancaked is not an option. Use the safety bars/arms if needed, or get a spotter (or spotters) who knows how to spot and is strong enough to spot you - and remember that if you're being spotted KEEP STANDING UP NO MATTER WHAT.
Like I said at the beginning of this program I need new videos of badass PRs, so put those lucky shorts/pants/tank tops on and be ready to make some heavy weights!
WOD For 10-13-17:
A) From 0:00 - 12:00
"Partner Baseline"
For QUALITY, Split Evenly With a Partner:
1000m Row
80 Air Squats
60 AbMat Sit-ups
40 Push-ups
20 Pull-ups
Partners split the reps evenly, with only one partner working at a time. This is FOR QUALITY not for time, so move with a purpose but prioritize movement to prepare/warm the entire body for the back squats.
B) From 12:00 - 15:00
Mobility/Activation Drills, Shoe Change, GET FIRED UP!!!
C) From 15:00 - 45:00
Back Squat (Week 8, Day 2):
Find Your New 1-Rep Max