Bay Area Rainbow Symphony: Saturday Oct 14th
Our very own Diego is not only a fit & strong dude, he's a respected physician, and a talented musician as well. Check out his message to our community below regarding an amazing concert he's performing in this Saturday evening!
Hey there Arena Ready CrossFitters!
Looking for a heady Saturday night activity? Come check out the Bay Area Rainbow Symphony this Saturday at 8 PM (at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music). This concert celebrates Amy Beach's 150th anniversary (click to be linked to the concert's Facebook Event page), as well as works by Barber and Brahms.
Because your brain needs exercise too!!!
Do we say "break a leg, Diego!"???
Happy weekend, friends!
WOD For 10-14-17:
With a Partner, 3 Rounds For Time:
40 Calorie Row
40 Burpees Over The Rower
40 Sumo deadlift High Pulls @ 95/65 lbs
40 Thrusters @ 95/65 lbs
Only one athlete working at a time. Reps do not have to be split evenly.
Row calories are adjusted as follows for teams:
Male-Male Teams = 40 Calories Per Round
Female-Male Teams = 35 Calories Per Round
Female-Female Teams = 30 Calories Per Round