Power Snatch Annie + Looking Ahead to Thanksgiving

Please note our Thanksgiving week holiday schedule (click for more info).

Looking Ahead: Thursday's Thanksgiving Day WOD

If you've been at Arena Ready for a few years you know our annual Thanksgiving WOD tradition - the hero workout known as the "Lumberjack 20."  The holiday classes are a fun time to see gym friends, hit a tough workout together in big groups, and do the WOD to honor the fallen soldiers from Lumberjack CrossFit

Please be sure to sign-up for Thursday's class in advance, and if you know you can't make it please cancel ASAP so someone else can take your spot.  We kindly ask that you don't double-book, and try your best not to late cancel or no-show (yes, we can see who does all of these things) - if you're on the waitlist then we consider you in, so get yourself signed-up either way!  Help us make it possible for everyone to get their workout in, and for everyone to have a great experience.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.   

But first, "Power Snatch Annie"...

WOD For 11-22-17:

2-Position Hang Power Snatch ("Mid" Hang Above Knee, "Low" Hang Below Knee):

5 Sets of (1+1)

Climbing only as technique allows




"Power Snatch Annie"

For Time:


Power Snatches @ 155/105 lbs


Double Unders

AbMat Sit-ups


(Compare to 02-22-17, 06-23-16, 06-12-15, and 12-01-13) 

Jenny Morgan