Day 100 PR
Gotta love the support for Dave D on Tuesday as he completed his 100th consecutive day of 100 burpees. Well done, Dave - and thanks to everyone for pushing each other (and pushing Dave to a PR time)!
Some of the Tuesday 6pm crew who pushed through the WOD in record time!
WOD For 11-09-17:
Alternating Every 90 Seconds For 4 Rounds:
1) 2 Power Snatches + 2 Overhead Squats
2) 15/12 Calorie Row OR 12/9 Calorie Assault Bike
Climb in loading with each round for the barbell complex. Climb in pace on the row/bike, finishing with a sprint in round 4.
For Time:
30 Snatches @ 135/95 lbs
(Compare to 11-21-16, 04-13-15, 03-13-15, 10-30-14, 06-12-13)