Functional Fitness Realized

During Saturday's holiday party someone astutely said to me, "I don't think I've ever seen so many successful attempts at the Bottle Game without the bottom partner eating a face full of floor."

To which I replied, "Weighted Plank Holds."

I then proceeded to drop my crutch and walk away.  Boom.  


WOD For 12-20-17:

With a Partner, On a Running Clock...

A) From 0:00 - 15:00

AMRAP 15 Minutes:

50 Calorie Row*

50 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

100 Double Unders


*Row Calories per round are modified as follows:

Male-Male Pairs = 50 Calories

Male-Female Pairs = 42 Calories

Female-Female Pairs = 35 Calories

*Only one athlete working at a time, and reps do NOT have to split evenly.  Can your team start out hot and hold on for three full rounds (or more)?


B) From 18:00 - 28:00

Back Squat:

10 Minutes for BOTH Partners to Establish a Heavy Triple For Today (NOT a 3RM)


Partners use the same rack and barbell for the squats. Clips/collars must be used for every set.


C) From 31:00 - 37:00

Weighted Plank Hold:

3 x 0:45 Seconds (Rest 1:15 Between Efforts)


2018 AR Holiday Party Bottle Game dominance starts now.

Jenny Morgan