Press 5-3-1

Similar to our Friday deadlifts following a "Wendler 5-3-1" progression, we'll be including a Strict Press 5-3-1 to help build some bigger numbers in the overhead press.  Remember to use current era numbers when making your percentage calculations, be consistent with the program, and trust in the process (even if it feels "too easy" to start).  If you do all three then you'll have some bigger numbers to come!

WOD For 12-05-17:

Strict Press (Week 1):

Using 90% of your top lift from 11-29-17 or 11-23-17 as your "base" weight...

65% x 5 

75% x 5

85% x 5+ (AKA "Max Effort" or "as many reps as you can safely perform")


For example, if you lifted 100 lbs on 11-29-17 then use 90% of that (90 lbs) as your "base" weight:

65% x 90 lbs = 59 lbs x 5 reps

75% x 90 lbs = 68 lbs x 5 reps

85% x 90 lbs = 77 lbs x 5+ reps ("Max Effort" or "as many as you can safely perform")




AMRAP 13 Minutes:

400m Run

20 AbMat Sit-ups

10 Back Squats @ 225/155 lbs


Use a rack for the back squats. If you can't do the first set of squats without re-racking the bar then it's too heavy for the intended stimulus.

Jenny Morgan