Double Under Progression

EVANS AVENUE PARKING REMINDER During Construction (click for details).

Please note: the gym will be closed on Easter Sunday (April 1st).

If double unders continue to elude you the video above shows a great progression for practicing the movement in a step-by-step fashion.  You've likely seen many (if not all) of these progression pieces before at Arena Ready, but sometimes hearing and seeing the instruction from a different source can make that last little bit click for someone - especially in a movement as fickle as the double under.

Practice, practice, practice!   

Happy Friday, friends.

WOD For 03-30-18:


Side Plank (alternate sides for 4 total intervals each of right and left)




Sumo Deadlift:



Prioritize quality position over load. 




5 Rounds For Time:

10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 95/65 lbs

10 Pistols (alternating)

50 Double Unders

Jenny Morgan