You're welcome.
Happy Weekend!
Please note: the gym will be closed on Easter Sunday (April 1st).
WOD For 03-31-18:
"Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls: Version 3.0"
In Teams of THREE Athletes For Total Time:
BUY-IN: 1000m Run, Starting TOGETHER
Then, 2 Rounds EACH With "Waterfall" Start:
30/21 Calorie Row
25 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft
20 Toes-to-Bar
10-8-6 Curtis P Complexes @ 95/65 lbs (Athlete 1-2-3)
BUY-OUT: 100 Lateral Bar Burpees SPLIT
The Curtis P Complex is: Power Clean + Lunge Right + Lunge Left + Push Press
*All three athletes start the BUY-IN run TOGETHER and all three athletes must complete 1000m.
**The "Waterfall" start can begin with the first athlete to complete the run starting the row immediately (he/she does NOT have to wait for the other two athletes to complete the run). An athlete cannot start on a movement station until the teammate before him/her has cleared that station (e.g. Athlete 2 cannot start the wall balls until Athlete 1 has completed the wall balls, and Athlete 3 cannot start the row until Athlete 2 has completed the row).
***Teams cannot start the BUY-OUT until all three athletes have completed 2 full rounds - and the burpees over the barbell are shared and may be SPLIT in any fashion, with only one athlete working at a time (they do not have to equally split, step-overs are allowed).