The Jerk Store Called...

Hey, George, the ocean called... they're running out of shrimp.


EVANS AVENUE PARKING REMINDER During Construction (click for details).

WOD For 04-03-18:

Behind The Neck Strict Press:


For Quality.




Push Jerk:


Climbing as Technique Allows.




A) AMRAP 3 Minutes:

9 Push Jerks @ 155/105 lbs

9 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in


Rest 4 minutes, then...




Use a rack for the push jerks. Set-up your equipment with enough safe space for box jumping clear of your neighbors and dropping/missing the barbell if needed. Be mindful when re-racking the barbell so as not to miss the j-hooks. 

(Compre to 04-04-17 and 07-05-16)

Jenny Morgan