Coach Kate: AR Clothing Swap
From Coach Kate:
Clothing Swap at AR!
I've put a bin upstairs, next to the cubbies, for clothes swapping. It might be a bit small, but something to get started. Add and subtract as desired. I'll donate everything (including the lost and found) before the AR move.
There's demand for a men's clothing swap too, I'll drum up another container for the boys. Guys, bring some clothes to share!
EVANS AVENUE PARKING REMINDER During Construction (click for details).
WOD For 04-04-18:
Alternating EMOM For 5 Rounds (25 Minutes):
1) 21/15 Calorie Row
2) 40ft Single DB Goblet Walking Lunges @ pick load
3) 15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
4) 200m Run
5) Rest
If you're a ninja at C2B pull-ups then do every round of pull-ups unbroken for as long as possible. The DB can be as heavy as you like but you must maintain solid lunge mechanics, and you're not allowed to rest or rack the DB on the shoulder(s). If your reps for the row and/or the pull-ups fall then attempt to hold the new number for the remainder of the workout for that movement. Need to up the intensity? Run faster.