Games Watching Get Together

When you're done competitively exercising in class on Saturday you should come back to the gym (or just continue to stay) so we can then watch other people competitively exercise on the TV to find out who is the best competitive exerciser in the world... you know, among all competitive exercisers.

In other words, we'll be having an impromptu CrossFit Games Watching Get Together at Arena Ready on Saturday -- we'll set-up a TV in the gym and just generally hang out to watch the fittest in the world do some crazy events, complete with horrible play-by-play commentary that's par for the course every year.

Bring some snacks to munch on if you like, and feel free to also bring a camp chair to sit on if you don't want to sit on a box, bench, or the gym floor.  I'm sure we'll also get our share of foam rolling in as well, so think of it as recovery work for your body haha.

We'll likely just start setting-up the TV after the last Saturday class ends at 11:30am and will probably watch for a few hours -- nothing formal just a casual Saturday afternoon watching fitness.  Come join us!   

WOD For 08-04-18:

"Loco Moco v3.0"

With a Partner For Time:

BUY-IN: 1298m Row OR 1000m Ski

Then BOTH Partners Complete...


Hang Power Cleans @ 155/110 lbs

Burpee Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

BUY-OUT: 1298m Row OR 1000m Ski


Both partners must complete the 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 sequence, with one partner working at a time to complete a FULL ROUND before switching (e.g. Partner A performs 10 HPCs and 10 BBJs, then Partner B performs 10 HPCs and 10 BBJs). 

The row/ski can be shared in any fashion and does not have to be split evenly.

Jenny Morgan