Cycling Power Cleans

Here's a simple and useful video on how to effectively "cycle" the barbell during power cleans to produce what we call "touch-and-go" reps with good, safe, technically sound positions:

Once you begin to get comfortable with cycling the barbell it's much easier to produce the "smooth is fast" or "jogging with the barbell" sensation that we often talk about.  You'll be ale to practice this skill in Wednesday's classes -- the only point I would add to the above video is to make sure to stand your reps up to full extension before allowing the bar to leave your shoulders (or "pop off" as the video describes).  No one likes shorting reps, even if you look like a smooth criminal while doing so... 

WOD For 09-05-18:

With a Partner On a Running Clock...

A) 0:00 - 12:00

2 Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats ("Touch-and-Go"):

12 minutes for both partners to build to a top set using the same barbell


B) 15:00 - 27:00

AMRAP 12 Minutes:

10 Box Jumps@ 24/20 in

8 Power Cleans @ 115/80 lbs

6 Front Squats 


One person working at a time. Complete one FULL round then switch. 

Yes, the power cleans and front squats should be "touch-and-go" and unbroken.

Jenny Morgan