Thursday will be altered to 7:00, 12:00, and 5:00 class times - similar to the past few days.
Please reach out to Katoa if you need an alternate virtual class time and we can try to work with your schedule. Also reach out if you have access to equipment or a private gym and need alternative programming. Lastly, keep in mind there are alternate movement options for those that have access to simple equipment - DB, KB, bands, etc.
hWOD FOR 03-19-20
Cycles of 3:00 on / 1:00 off
6 Bent-Over Rows - use DB/KB if available or backpack with books/objects inside
12 Backward Lunges - use DB/KB in front rack if available
6 Mountain Climbers - both sides
12 Overhead Squats - use empty BB if available or broomstick/swiffer/dowel
Score = total rounds + reps across your cycle amount - pick up where you left off each cycle