Friday’s schedule will mimic the past few days - 7:00, 12:00, and 5:00 class times. Please reach out to Katoa via email ( or on Facebook with any feedback. Please also reach out if you have access to equipment or a private gym and we can write you a personal program.

If you are going to perform WODs on your own - AR at-home WODs outside of virtual class or your own workout. Please, please, PLEASE be careful and smart. We pride ourselves at AR to not have a rhabdo case and we certainly don’t want one now - especially with hospitals full at the moment.

WOD FOR 03-20-20


10 Minute Alternating EMOM

ODD MINUTES: 12 Thrusters

EVEN MINUTES: :30 of Hollow Rocks


6 Minute AMRAP - use same object from Thruster

3 Strict Press

6 Push Press

9 Front Squats

Score = total rounds+reps

REST 2:00

Tabata Russian Twists

Rest as needed - even if in an “on” set, DON’T GO TO FAILURE

Score = total russian twists completed across tabata

Jenny Morgan