Sweaty Saturday workOUT - together!
Tomorrow we are going to have our first OUTDOOR workout session. There's been a lot of back and forth with the city about permits, and while we’re waiting for the official go ahead, we’re going to go ahead and take advantage of the gorgeous San Francisco summer (haha) and workout together tomorrow! We’ll follow the city’s guidelines and do all we can to ensure safety, but we aren’t yet officially permitted.
We will be meeting tomorrow at 8:00AM and 9:15AM for our Saturday morning class sessions.
The meeting location is in McLaren Park (University and Olmstead) where there is an open field, a hard surface, and an opportunity to run! See location here.
We will follow the below health guidelines received from the City:
No more than 12 people, including the Instructor(s).
Everyone attending to remain at least 6 feet apart from those not in their household at all times.
Fitness groups must be scheduled to last no longer than 2 hours.
Fitness groups must occur completely outdoors, except to use bathrooms.
The workout will be a partner WOD, but staggered for maximum space between athletes.
We will also run virtual classes alongside in person classes. If you cannot make the in-person WOD, use the regular Zoom link.
Please be sure to sign up in MINDBODY for the outdoor workout if you’re going to come as we have a hard cap due to city mandate.
WOD FOR 06/27/20
5 Rounds Shuttle run
At one end perform:
5 burpees
At the other end perform:
5 tuck jumps
9 SA Russian Swing
6 SA Clean & Jerk
3 SA OH Squat
Score = total rounds + reps completed by the pair
Pickup where your partner left off on the AMRAP
Switch after partner A completed 5 shuttle rounds