I myself have been doing more listening, watching, and reading about Black Lives Matter the racial injustices done to Black people in America. I think a good start is watching 13th on Netflix. It’s a 2016 documentary, but the learnings and facts given (have always been) but moreso relevant now as the support for BLM is stronger and widespread more than ever.

I’m not going to declare myself an expert, I am not. I have much to learn and hope we can all support one another in our continued learning of the deeply rooted systemic issues. As I continue to learn and grow, please reach out to keep me accountable should anything be an error, wrongfully said, or detrimental to the movement.

hWOD FOR 06/10/20

PART A - 2:00 ON / 1:00 OFF FOR 5 ROUNDS

16 Suitcase DL w/ Duffel

12 Russian Duffel Swings

6 Burpees Over Duffel

Split suitcase duffel evenly between sides & perform sequence once through

PART B - AMRAP 10:00

14 SA Hang Object Snatch

14 SA Russian Duffel Swing

21 Ottoman Jump

14 Toes to Chair

Score = total rounds + reps completed

Jenny Morgan