Ink is dry

The ink is dry on the lease for our new home at 1643 Valencia Street. Check out MINDBODY for the latest schedule and outdoor classes, and be on the lookout for emails with info about returning loaned equipment and helping with the pod deliveries. Any questions to

THURSDAY 11/5/20

PART A | Alternating EMOM for 3 rounds:

Farmer Carry

Overhead Carry OR Handstand Hold


PART B | AMRAP 7 minutes x 2:

AMRAP 7 minutes:

25 Double Unders

10 Burpees

Rest 5 mins, then...

AMRAP 7 minutes:

7 Toes-to-bars / V-ups

7 Burpees

FRIDAY 11/6/20

PART A | In 25 minutes:

Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5


4 rounds for quality of:

10 Dumbbell Squats, 50/35 lbs

8m Dumbbell Lunge, 50/35 lbs

8 R Leg Bulgarian Split Squats, 50/35 lbs

8 L Leg Bulgarian Split Squats, 50/35 lbs

PART B | In 12 minutes:

Side Plank 2x 120 secs


For quality:

40 L Pistols

40 R Pistols

Jenny Morgan