What is your body telling you?

We’ll be keeping an eye on air quality this week and making any class adjustments, as needed. If you’re working out out home, please do the same.

It’s a good time to practice being in tune with your body, listening to how it’s feeling, and taking good care of it. If you’re lightheaded or get a headache, nauseous, or feeling short of breath or any discomfort in your throat, it’s probably time to slow down and maybe even take a forced rest day.

MONDAY 8/24/20

PART A | 3 Rounds for time:

25 Burpees

Plank Hold, 1 min

PART B | 21-15-9

Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35

Row for Calories | 75-50-25 Double Unders

Equipment: Dumbbells (or kettlebells); Rower or jumprope

TUESDAY 8/25/20

PART A | In 20 minutes


Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press

Or, with lighter weights


Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press

PART B | In 20 minutes:


Clean Pull


Bent Over Barbell Row


6 Single Leg Deadlift + 3 Hang Power Cleans


Bent Over Single Arm Dumbbell Row

Equipment: Barbell; Kettlebell or dumbbell


PART A | With a partner, for quality (15 minute cap):

50 Glute Bridges

25 Inch Worms w/ Push-up

50 Hollow Rocks

25 Pistols per leg

PART B | Nancy, 5 Rounds for time:

Run, 400 m | Row 500, Jumprope or other cardio for ~2 mins

15 Overhead Squats, 95/65 lbs | Scale weight as needed

Equipment: Barbell and weights or kettlebell, dumbbell

Jenny Morgan