Kim Tom Rocks! // WOD: Week 5/10-14
Over the last 4 days, our very own Kim Tom competed in the Masters Division of the CrossFit Games Age Group Online Qualifier (ACOQ). She qualified for it by finishing in the top 10% of her age group worldwide during the CrossFit Open in March.
This qualifier had 5 brutal workouts that featured 15-ft. rope climbs, a 4-rep max front squat, tons of handstand push-ups, 300 double unders in a row, and finished with a combo of heavy overhead squats and burpee box jumpovers!
Kim attacked the workouts with her usual determination and positive energy. She fought through the heavy weights and complex movements and showed off that killer engine that smokes us during class WODs.
Her performance was especially impressive when you think about her last year. While it’s been crazy for everyone, it’s been especially stressful for small business owners, like Kim, who weren’t sure they would survive COVID-related closures and capacity reductions.
We can only hope that we are as awesome and as fit as Kim when we grow up! She is an inspiration for our Fog City CF community and we are lucky to have her. We love you, Kim!
Weekly WODs:
MONDAY, 5/10
WOD #1:
Linchpin Test 5, for time (25:00):
20 Back Squats, 225/155 lbs
Run, 2 mi
20 Back Squats, 225/155 lbs
WOD #2:
Handstand Practice, for quality
Wall Walk
Feet Elevated
WOD #1:
3 rounds, for quality (12:00):
5 Single Arm DB/KB Press + 50ft Overhead Carry (per side)
5 Weighted Pistols or Cossack Squats (per side)
75 Double Unders
WOD #2: “Lynne”
5 rounds for max reps of:
Max rep Bench Press, 1x bodyweight
Max rep Pull-ups
WOD #1:
Every 1 min for 21 mins, alternating between:
Max rep Row Calories, 30 secs
10 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
10 V-ups
WOD #2:
Superset! 3 x 30 secs
Parking Lot Farmers Carry
WOD #1:
Snatch 3x3
WOD #2:
For time:
42 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
21 American KB Swings, 53/35 lbs
30 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
15 American KB Swings, 53/35 lbs
18 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
9 American KB Swings, 53/35 lbs
FRIDAY, 5/14
WOD #1:
Clean & Jerk 3-3-3-3-3
WOD #2:
For time:
20 Clean & Jerks
(Using 50% of the load from WOD #1)
Kim Tom competing in various AGOQ workouts.