In Turkey They're Just Called Get-ups

Monday was a “slog” and Tuesday was a work/rest intensity burner, so for Wednesday’s program we spend a little time slowing down a bit with a few pre-hab/recovery based movements “for quality” — and then incorporate a lifting complex with slightly lower intensity conditioning.

The lifting will get heavier as we progress through the week, and then will take a turn on Saturday for our beloved Sweaty Saturday Special!

WOD For 04-24-19:

2 Rounds For Quality (NOT For Time):

6 DB or KB Turkish Get-ups @ pick load

12 Single DB or KB Overhead Walking Lunges @ pick load

400m Run

Pick weights that keep you in good positions — this is for QUALITY and not speed or loading.


Alternating EMOM For 7 Rounds (14 Minutes):


Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat


7 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

7 Burpees to Jump Touch Target @ 6 in above your max reach

Climb in weight for the snatch complex only as your technique allows — and if you arrive at a weight that feels good for crisp, snappy reps then stay there and repeat for multiple rounds.

Jenny Morgan
Tuesday: Skill>Load>Gasser

Skill first, then external loading, then the “gasser” (AKA the thing that brings the suck factor into the workout). Rest and repeat to find your max sustainable pace. It’s a simple recipe that can be used over and over with nearly infinite applications.

By front-loading the skill component at the start of each cycle we aim to set-up newer & beginner athletes with enough rest to practice the skill of simply jumping intentionally with proper position & cadence, to put intermediate athletes in a position to succeed with bigger sets of DU under gradual fatigue, and to challenge advanced athletes to make every round unbroken or close to it.

The swings start heavier and with more volume, but are of course, scaled in the gym to appropriate levels in order to maintain the intended stimulus & timing of transitions. Hinging counterbalances yesterday’s volume of “Cindy” squatting — and the overhead component is a nice compliment after Monday’s upper pushing & pulling (i.e. you use the same parts with USING the same parts).

And what IS the intended stimulus for Tuesday exactly? Assuming your rowing technique is safe and solid let’s call it “There’s no way I’d want to do a seventh round” — if you’re saying that at the end then you probably did it correctly…

WOD For 04-23-19:

6 Cycles of 2:00 Work / 2:00 Rest For MAX CALORIES Rowed:

40 Double Unders

15 KB Swings @ 70/53 lbs


*Score = total calories rowed after 6 cycles.

Jenny Morgan
Cindy Targaryen, 12th of Her Name...

… Ruler of the 10 general physical skills, breaker of Donald Trump Jr.’s alleged “Murph” PR time, and mother of proper push-ups we can all be proud of…

It’s almost as if we’ve started intentionally progressing a few bodyweight movement combos in anticipation of some sort of really grueling workout in a little over a month which contains an even larger volume of said movement combos. Huh.

But every week it’s weird, they’re tied-in with different barbell movements or other external objects… and sometimes they’re mixed in format and intensity.

I think something’s going on here…

WOD For 04-22-19:

4 Rounds For Time:

3 Rounds of “Cindy”

12 Hang Power Cleans @ 155/110 lbs

***This workout contains 12 total rounds of “Cindy”

***1 Round of “Cindy” is:

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats

Jenny Morgan
Sweaty Saturday 800-800

Happy weekend, folks.

WOD For 04-20-19:

With a Partner on A Running Clock…

A) 0:00 - 16:00 (16 Total Minutes)

BUY-IN: 800m Run

Then, in the remaining time…

Both Partners Establish a 5-Rep Back Squat (NOT a 5RM)

*Use the same rack & barbell, loading/un-loading weights between sets as needed. The first person in the door from the run can start on back squats immediately.

B) 19:00 - 35:00 (16 Total Minutes)

BUY-IN: 800m Run

Then, in the remaining time AMRAP of…

30 Dumbbell Snatches @ 50/35 lbs

25 Burpees Over Dumbbell (must “face” the DB)

20 Toes-to-Bar

*Only one person working at a time, switch whenever you like. The first person in the door from the run can start the AMRAP immediately.

Jenny Morgan
Friday Friday, Sprint Sprint

It’s like a sprint(ish) but twice. So does that mean I start slower the first time knowing I have to do it again?

Well, nearly anyone can pace and game plan something like this and get a perfectly respectable time which can be repeated or nearly repeated. And that’s a fine way to do this WOD if you so choose.

But sometimes you gotta go out hot and see if you can hold on (safely, of course… especially on those handstand push-ups). Sometimes we pick our spots to start fast and see what happens. Sometimes we need to go hard out of the gate and not think about what we’ll have to do immediately thereafter — and on those days we can often learn something about ourselves.

Is that “sometimes” going to be today?

Happy Friday, friends.

WOD For 04-19-19:

On a Running Clock…

A) At 0:00 For Time:

500m Row OR SKi

40 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs

30 Russian KB Swings @ 70/53 lbs

20 Handstand Push-ups

10 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

B) At 13:00 For Time:


Jenny Morgan
Thursday: Power Power Power

It’s the return of the strict pull-up complex you saw last week, along with some hang power cleans for “all the fun of cleans with none of the burden of squatting or that pesky first pull” (well, only a little pulling from the floor). Hooray!

This met-con piece will be fast and furious with high power output for those with a mastery of all three movements. For those of us working on one or all three of the exercises it will be about moving well to create power and height both on the barbell and the box (aim to land above parallel on the jumps and not in a crumpled squat), and choosing a scaling option for the bar muscle-ups which challenges you but also allows a fairly constant pace of movement without too much standing around staring at the bar.



WOD For 04-18-19:

Alternating EMOM For 5 Rounds (10 Minutes):

1) 3 Hang Power Cleans: climbing

2) Strict Pull-up Complex: 1 Scap Pull-up + 1 Lat Activation + 1 “One-Half’ Strict Pull-up + 1 Strict Pull-up

*For the pull-up complex add 1 rep every round if possible: 1+1+1+1, 2+2+2+2, 3+3+3+3, etc...


3 Rounds For Time:

7 Hang Power Cleans @ 165/115 lbs

11 Box Jumps @ 30/24 in

7 Bar Muscle-ups

Jenny Morgan
GOT Team Names

This week I saw a post on the interwebs where someone was asking for help with a “Game of Thrones” inspired team name for her upcoming CrossFit competition — these were my favorite responses:

Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! (the competition was for Teams of 3)

A Team Has No Name

Buns of Valyrian Steel

A Lannister Always Counts Their Reps

Fitness is Coming

Khaleesi SnatchEasy

What would your team name be for Wednesday’s WOD? If your partner doesn’t watch GOT then make them do two rounds of the AMRAP for every one of yours.


The Army of Weightwalkers is lunging south to the HSPU wall and OMG I CAN’T STOP WITH THE GOT PUNS PLZ HALP

WOD For 04-17-19:

With a Partner On a Running Clock…

A) 0:00 - 10:00

10 Minutes For BOTH Partners to Establish a Top Set of The Complex:

2 Power Snatches + 1 Overhead Squat + 1 Squat Snatch

*Use the same barbell and load/un-load the weights accordingly between sets

B) 12:00 - 24:00

AMRAP 12 Minutes:

3 Power Snatches @ 135/95 lbs

6 Overhead Squats

9 Lateral Bar Burpees

*This is “You Go, I Go” format — i.e complete one FULL round then switch

C) 26:00 - 32:00

Weighted Plank Hold:

3 x 0:45 (Rest 1:15 Between Efforts)

*If possible add to 04-02-19

Jenny Morgan
M > C > I > V

Some thoughts on the evolution of a CrossFitter from Coach Sarah...

Step 1: Mechanics
Learn the movements.  Learn the difference between what the movement is supposed to feel like and what it is not supposed to feel like.  What does the coach mean when they say "get tight"?  Which muscles drive your knees out, and why should you do that?  What about chest up?  Or elbows fast?  Or external rotation?  All of these words and phrases should be meaningful to you (and you should be able to apply them to your movement before you consider moving on to consistency in those movements).

Step 2: Consistency
They say that practice makes perfect, but the truth is only perfect practice makes perfect.  Not until you understand what you should be doing should you strive to make what you are doing habitual.  But, when you do, each movement in CrossFit should become like breathing.  You should practice so much that you are able to execute a perfect air squat without a demonstration or description, without thinking about it, and honestly, without even warming up.  Same goes for every other movement (unweighted).  Every time you execute a movement it should look and feel the same.

In addition, consistency applies to consistency of workouts.  If you are working out inconsistently (i.e. 4 days on, 17 off, or 1-2 on, 4-5 off), you should hold yourself at this level.  If you aren't working out consistently, you don't know how your body will respond to workouts, you don't know how hard you can push yourself on any given day, and you can't expect your joints and muscles to withstand a beating in which you're trying to make up for lost time.  Establish a workout schedule and stick to it so that you can earn progression into Step 3.

Step 3: Intensity
Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit, defined CrossFit as "constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity."  Some make the mistake of thinking that that means everyone from newbie to competitor should approach each workout with maximum fire and enthusiasm, fighting for each and every rep, rolling on the floor afterwards.  The truth, in a better executed scenario, is that intensity must be earned.  If you don't have the mechanics nailed down in a movement consistently, you have no business doing that movement with intensity.  If you aren't working out consistently, you can't expect to safely push your limits (since you don't know where your limits are at any given point in time).  Now, let's say there's a workout involving burpees, power snatches and situps.  Let's say your burpees and situps are at Step 3, but your power snatches are still well at Step 1.  In this case, you may want to push yourself super hard on the situps and burpees (to maximize your performance and results), but hold back, slow down, and concentrate hard (at light weight) for the power snatch.

Step 4: Volume
At Arena Ready, we program with the expectation that people will work out AT LEAST 3 and as many as 6 days per week.  We believe that most people who CrossFit less than 3 days per week will fail to achieve meaningful results, will struggle to learn and properly execute the movements, and will likely not get sufficient volume.  We believe that people who CrossFit more than 3 days in a row are likely to experience the symptoms of overtraining - insufficient recovery marked by consistent fatigue, susceptibility to injury, and declining performance.  In between is a sweet spot of consistent improvement due to thoughtful training and recovery.

Many among us at Arena Ready are solidly in Steps 1-3, and that's fantastic.  If you find yourself primarily in one of those steps, your goal should be to build your understanding of the mechanics, begin to consistently execute on them, and finally, to start pushing yourself by adding increasing levels of intensity to your workouts.  Another way to measure your intensity besides how hard you feel you're working, is to check where your times/scores rank on the board, and at what level you typically perform workouts.  For most people, working to be in the top half of scores consistently within the black or red level is all the fitness you need to meet your goals and win at life.  That's awesome, and that's what we recommend for the majority of our clients: strive to perform all workouts at the red or black level with competitive times or scores, and be here 3-5 times per week consistently.

Some Arena Ready members are at a point where the above is true, and they are able to work out 5-6 times per week and still feel like they need or want more training in order to meet their goals of becoming competitive CrossFitters.  This is the competitor group for whom we sometimes program extra strength, skill, or accessory WODs.  If you are in (or want to be in) the competitor group, the above all remains true.  Every element of all workouts should be performed with consistently good or excellent mechanics, and as fast as possible. 


WOD For 04-16-19:




For Time:

BUY-IN: 200 Double Unders

Then, 5 Rounds of…

25 AbMat Sit-ups

20 KB Goblet Walking Lunges @ 53/35 lbs

Jenny Morgan
The Picture That's Tearing The Internet Apart

There are some serious coffee opinions at Arena Ready, and the history & tradition on the subject runs deep within these walls. So when Delish recently posted the image below on the old Instagram it nearly broke the internet by sparking heated debate on something other than politics or GOT.

So, the question is, which one are you?

(Click the image for the original IG post courtesy of @delish)

WOD For 04-15-19:

AMRAP 21 Minutes:

9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

12 Hand-Release Push-ups

15 Calorie Row, Ski, or Assault Bike

18 KB Swings @ 53/35 lbs

21 Air Squats

Can you hold 3-minute rounds (or faster) all the way through?

Jenny Morgan
Sweaty Saturday: The Barbell Don't Stop

As if Friday weren’t enough (or this whole week for that matter). Enjoy it while it’s hot because at this rate it’s going to be “Cindy” and rowing repeats every day next week.

Kidding. Or am I?

WOD For 04-13-19:

With a Partner For Time:

100 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

100 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

100 Power Clean & Jerks @ 115/80 lbs

50 Box Jumps

50 Wall Balls

50 Power Snatches @ 115/80 lbs

25 Box Jumps

25 Wall Balls

25 Synchronized Bar-Facing Burpees

*Only one person working at a time, switch whenever you like.

Jenny Morgan
On-Boarding For Newcomers This Saturday

Spaces are still available for this Saturday’s On-Boarding, so tell a friend or family member to sign-up!

Our free April 2019 "On-Boarding Series" for newcomers starts this Saturday (April 13th) with the Introduction to CrossFit class at 12:00pm.  The second class of the required two-part series, Beginner's CrossFit, will be held the following Saturday (April 20th).  There are only a handful of membership spaces that will be available before we close the membership again for 3 months, so if anyone you know has been wanting to join as a newcomer make sure to spread the word!

For more details on how & why we on-board newcomers in small groups at carefully chosen intervals throughout the year click here to read a previous On-Boarding" post which details a bit of the background on our philosophy.  To lazy to read it?  OK then, here's the basic scoop: we do what we do to maintain quality, an ideal coach-to-athlete ratio in every class, and a caring community composed of like-minded people who consider fitness a sustainable, long-term lifestyle.  

So tell your friends and family to sign-up for this Saturday and get started at Arena Ready (click here for more details and to reserve an On-Boarding spot)!

WOD For 04-12-19:

Squat Clean Thruster:

10 Minutes to Build to a Heavy Double

No “thruster jerks” allowed (AKA re-bending of the legs… that was yesterday, friends).

Touch-and-go is not required but doing both reps within a 20-second window is (otherwise that’s called “two singles”).


For Time:

50 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 95/65 lbs

40 Toes-to-Bar

30 Thrusters @ 95/65 lbs

20 Lateral Bar Burpees

10 Squat Clean Thrusters @ 135/95 lbs

*Use one barbell — change your own weight for the final 10 reps.

Jenny Morgan

#TBT to one of the greatest stickers ever made (thanks, Coach Jason). WCTTIBW???


WOD For 04-11-19:

Push Jerk:


Use a rack. Climb only as your technique allows.


AMRAP 10 Minutes:

20 Single-Arm KB Snatches @ 53/35 lbs (switch sides after 10 reps)

10 KB Box Step-ups @ 24/20 in (alternate sides, use the same KB as for your snatches)

10 Deficit Handstand Push-ups @ 4/2 in

For the snatches you may support the KB in any fashion EXCEPT on top of your head, on your neck, or resting on your leg. We recommend a front-rack hold, goblet hold, or shouldering the KB securely (with your hand on the handle).

Jenny Morgan