Workout of the Day

Lindsey Whitehouse Lindsey Whitehouse

❄️12/16-12/21: Preparing for Winter Solstice

If there’s one thing we love at FCCF, it’s tradition.

So, thanks for joining us at the ?th Annual “Sara and Zach’s 8 Crazy Night” workout this weekend! Many thanks to Sara Gerstein Melman and Zach Gerstein for inspiring this fabulous WOD.

The “12 Days of Crossfit” are coming this Saturday…!

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Lindsey Whitehouse Lindsey Whitehouse

12/9-12/14: Ready for Sara & Zach's 8 Crazy Nights?!

Thank you so much for showing up to our annual FCCF Holiday Party this past Friday!

We enjoyed chatting, drinking, eating, and generally being merry with all of you. Check out some candid photos below…!

Now onto this week’s WODs, which will end with “Sara and Zach’s 8 Crazy Nights” workout on Saturday. See you there!

Happy Holidays from your FCCF Board!

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Lindsey Whitehouse Lindsey Whitehouse

🪅12/2-12/7: HOLIDAY PARTY on 12/6! Plus, welcome to December...

🙌 We are excited to see you THIS FRIDAY, 12/6 for our FCCF Holiday Party! Bring an app or dessert to Barebottle Brewing Co., where we have reserved the party room on the back right. More details below!

And, welcome to December! As we count down the remaining days of 2024, we encourage you to continue leveraging FCCF to blow off steam, hang with your friends, make personal bests, break a sweat, and have a good time.


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Lindsey Whitehouse Lindsey Whitehouse

🫶11/25-11/30: Grateful for the FCCF community!

🦃In this season of thanksgiving, we are so grateful for you — for showing up, for cheering on your teammates, for respecting the coaches and the gym space, and for bringing your authentic self every time.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, we’re going to be running a holiday schedule with 8am and 9:15am classes only and our traditional WOD, the “Lumberjack 20” (20 reps of 7 different movements separated by 400 meter runs).


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Lindsey Whitehouse Lindsey Whitehouse

🎉11/18-11/23: Holiday Party on 12/6! Plus, this week's WODs...

🪅Join us on Friday, December 6 from 5 to 8pm at Barebottle Brewing Co. to celebrate the holidays with your gym fam and swolemates.

We’ve rented the private room in the back (on the right, next to the women’s restroom). A food truck will be on site and drinks will be sold at the bar, and we encourage everyone to bring an app or dessert. Well-behaved children and dogs are welcome!

See the flyer below and SEE YOU THERE!

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Lindsey Whitehouse Lindsey Whitehouse

11/11-11/16: Remembering Chad Wilkinson with the "Chad" Memorial WOD

🎢 Ready for some (high) steppin’ action?! Join us on Monday, 11/11!

We’re kicking off the week with our traditional Veteran’s Day WOD “Chad,” which is 1,000 box step-ups for time. This WOD is dedicated to Chad Michael Wilkinson of the US Navy, who took his life on October 29, 2018 after 22 years of active service.

Chad’s workout and life inspired the creation of The Step Up Foundation @thestepupfoundation, which features the workout in a virtual “CHAD 1000X” event, bringing together athletes from around the world to raise awareness of the epidemic of veteran suicide and to help be part of the solution by supporting veteran health initiatives.

On Monday, November 11, we remember Chad Wilkinson and thank all of our FCCF members who have served and continue to our serve in our military. We are grateful that you are here.

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Liz Terry Liz Terry

10/28-11/2: Just keep showing up

The second best part of every Saturday is seeing the whiteboard full of a week’s worth of scores (the first best part is the “Sweaty Saturday” partner workout, of course!).

This is your reminder to just keep showing up, day after day. We love to see you and your progress!

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Liz Terry Liz Terry

10/21-10/26: Thank you!

THANK YOU to all who came out and volunteered to clean up our neighborhood this past Sunday, October 20! (Check out the photo of the crew below!)

And thank you to those who participated in the potluck. We appreciate everything you all do to contribute to our community at large.

Let’s get ready to sweat this week…!

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Liz Terry Liz Terry

10/7-10/12: Oct. 20 @ 12pm, Save the Date! 🗑️

👂Have you heard? We are cleaning the streets around FCCF!

🗓️Join us on October 20 at 12pm for our Fall Volunteer Event, followed by a potluck party at the gym. All equipment will be supplied — just bring water and a hat/sunglasses.

🙌Sign up at!

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Liz Terry Liz Terry

9/30-10/5: Hello, October! 🔮

Welcome, October!

Mark your calendars for our Community Volunteer Event on October 20 at 12pm. We’ll be cleaning up the neighborhood around FCCF, followed by a potluck party at the gym. All equipment will be supplied — just bring water and a hat/sunglasses. Sign up at!

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