I was introduced to CrossFit 8 years ago by coach Alyssa, who’d been a triathlon training buddy of mine a long time ago. I had no idea what I was getting into! I’d barely touched a barbell, had no idea what a jerk was, let alone a snatch, and was terrified of doing anything upside down for a long time.
About 3 months in, I realized I was having fun. Like really having fun in a way I hadn’t since my triathlon days a decade before. The combination of community, physical challenge, and feeling like I was always learning something new was addictive. I was hooked, and slowly went from coming to workouts twice a week to coming 6 days a week. It was the era of lots of PRs and Rx WODs!
There were injuries on the way - bicep tendonitis, tennis elbow, pulled adductor, foot stuff, neck stuff, but it would generally resolve itself with rest. My focus for the first 5 years or so was performance and being lean (I got a little obsessed with counting macros and ate a lot of weird stuff to get down to 15% body fat. Do not recommend).
When Covid hit, I started working out on my driveway with the few dumbbells we had at home. Coach Alex’s Zoom workouts were a lifeline to mental health … and maintaining some semblance of fitness. When the masked workouts started up at McLaren Park I was so happy to see everyone and so grateful to Hill, Liz, Gordon, Lindsay and the rest of the team for keeping the community going.
In 2021 I was diagnosed with super early stage breast cancer and went through multiple biopsies, two surgeries, and a month of radiation (no chemo, thank heavens). Coach Amy was my radiation technician at UCSF, and it was a total blessing to have a friendly face at the hospital every day when my spirits were pretty low.
Many days during treatment I came to the gym and got on the bike because I couldn’t use my upper body, or skipped it and walked instead because I was tired or it felt depressing to not be able to do the workout. A couple times I came in, felt emotionally overwhelmed, left without working out and had a good cry. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was also in the midst of menopause, so let’s just say it was an emotional year ;)
After 8 years of CrossFit, cancer and menopause, my focus now is much less on PRs and how I look in a tank top, and much more about staying strong and healthy. I still love the community and still love trying to get better at movements … and I still can’t do fuc*ing double-unders!!