Sweaty Saturday: Return of the "Lungester"

Push, pull, hinge, squat, lunge, jump, unilateral work.

You want it, we got it.

Get in here and get after it, Team!

WOD FOR 01-18-20:

With a Partner, AMRAP 25 Minutes:

10 Rounds of “CINDY”

20 Single Dumbbell “Forward Lungesters” @ 50/35 lbs (alternate sides each rep)

30 Deadlifts @ 225/155 lbs

40 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

*Only one partner working at a time, switch whenever you like 

*ONE round of "CINDY" is:

-5 Pull-ups

-10 Push-ups

-15 Air Squats

*ONE rep of "Single DB Fwd Lungester" is:

-Hang Clean

-Lunge RIGHT then LEFT (step forward)


Jenny Morgan
Friday Barbell Therapy, With a Twist

Once again, just a “little bit” of interference of metabolic demand in the mix with the snatches. We pretty much never leave well enough alone, haha. Your fitness will thank you for it.

WOD FOR 01-17-20:

EMOM 20 Minutes:

5 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

1 Snatch

*Start at approximately 70% of your current era 1RM and climb incrementally to HAP (“heavy as possible”) with good technique.

*Both power snatches and full (AKA “squat”) snatches are allowed.

Jenny Morgan
Thursday: Skill & Intensity

The barbell is back (we never stray for too long!) and we put some skill demand in the met-con mix following a strength piece building to a heavy single. Enjoy.

WOD FOR 01-16-20:

Hang Power Clean:


FIVE Cycles of 1:30 Work / 1:30 Rest For MAX REPS:

10 Handstand Push-ups

50 Double Unders

MAX REPS Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs

*Score is the total number of hang power clean reps completed across all 5 cycles.

Jenny Morgan
Mid-Week Partner Piece

And not a barbell in sight…

WOD FOR 01-15-20:

With a Partner, AMRAP 22 Minutes:

1000m Row

44 Med Ball Sit-ups @ 20/14 lbs

33 Burpees Over the Rower

22 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

*Only one person working at a time, switch whenever you like.

*Can you and a teammate start fast, hold on, and make 3+ rounds?

Jenny Morgan
Know Thyself: Train Like An Athlete

If you’ve been at Arena Ready for a while you’re familiar with the WOD format of Tuesday’s workout. Occasionally we do these medium-longer EMOMs with the intention of a higher intensity output (think of the ones where you thought to yourself “OMG Rob I HATE YOU RIGHT NOW”) — generally those days have a very specific/set number of reps and loading, and sometimes we make it even spicier by seeing if you can “hold a number throughout the entire WOD” (like a type of expanded Tabata torture method HAHA).

In other instances we allow for a range of experiences in our athletes by giving the choice of loading, and in many ways intensity, to the person doing the workout. Another way of thinking of this is “Choose Your Own Adventure” — lighter loading and a more intentional focus on movement quality for those who seek movement in the vein of a recovery day or lighter intensity stimulus, and heavier loading for those who feel primed to take on more intensity and/or work. The WOD can feel very different to different people, and that’s exactly our intention on these days.

So, check-in with yourself and take a quick inventory of how your body is feeling this week — have you trained consistently over the holidays, how has your sleep/nutrition/recovery been, what’s the climate like at work and/or home, did you travel recently, etc — and make a smart decision on how to approach this WOD in your first “full week back” (for some, perhaps second week back for others) so that you get the most benefit. Remember that the goal is to be able to come back tomorrow and/or for the balance of this week and continue to train productively and intelligently. Opportunities abound for intensity, speed, and other outputs in the days to follow — so when given a clear choice of how to guide your ship make sure to point it in the direction that best suits your current training/recovery/life situation.

On the other hand, if you look at this workout and think “that’s it?” or think that the Monday program was “too easy” then I have a message for you — you don’t need harder workouts, you need to go harder. Trust me, I see all the scores (from in the gym, from remote athletes, from coaches and competitors testing the WODs for me) and NONE of the people posting the fastest times and highest scores report that the workouts are “easy” (e.g. doing Monday’s met-con in 2:30 or under HURTS YOUR SOUL REAL BAD, just like an “all out” 800m sprint does).

Know thyself, train smart, train hard, be an athlete.

WOD FOR 01-14-20:

Alternating EMOM For 7 Rounds (21 Minutes):

Minute 1) 5 Back Squats @ pick load

Minute 2) 5 Explosive Box Jumps @ 30/24 in THEN 10 Russian KB Swings @ pick load

Minute 3) 0:45 Second Plank Hold

Jenny Morgan
Monday 3-2-1 and 21-15-9

Here’s what could be considered (in many ways) as the opposite of Saturday’s Partner WOD slog. We’ll start the week with a 3/2/1 barbell complex (building on the upper push Monday from last week) and then tackle a 21-15-9 sprint couplet that will make even the fastest of us wish the barbell were heavier so we had an excuse to slow down. This flavor of light-moderate loading and short time domain reminds me a little of the feeling of running an “all out” 800 meters on the track. Good times.


WOD FOR 01-13-20:

3 Power Cleans + 2 Push Presses + 1 Push Jerk:

15 Minutes to Build to a Top Set

*Touch-and-go is not required for the power cleans but is encouraged for as long as possible with good technique.


For Time:


Power Cleans @ 115/80 lbs

Push Presses @ 115/80 lbs

*No rack, use the same barbell (yes, someone will inevitably ask).

*Push jerks are not allowed (AKA no re-bending of the legs with the barbell overhead). Here’s a hint… if it feels super easy (even if you’re a competitor) you’re probably push jerking and re-dipping under the bar.

*Can you hold on to the bar longer than you want to (with good technique of course) and push the pace?

Jenny Morgan
Sweaty Saturday Special Sauce

If you’re the partner who runs faster then congratulations… you get to start the 2nd round of thrusters and the row first. Happy weekend, fitness friends!

WOD For 01-11-20:

With a Partner, Against a 24-Minute Clock For MAX CALORIES:


2 Rounds of…

15-12-9 (one person at a time, complete the full movement then switch)

Dumbbell Thrusters @ 35/20 lbs per side

Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

400m Run with Med Ball @ 20/14 lbs per person (run together)


MAX CALORIE Row, Ski, or Assault Bike (one person at a time, switch whenever)

***10 Lateral Burpees-over-Rower Every Time You Switch (one person at a time, switch whenever… if rowing or skiing the burpees are over a dumbbell)

For Part A both athletes must each complete the full reps of the 15-12-9 sequence, with one working at at time to finish a movement before switching — for example:

Partner A does 15 Thrusters

Partner B does 15 Thrusters

Partner A does 15 C2B Pull-ups

Partner B does 15 C2B Pull-ups


The faster runner may start immediately on the 2nd round of thrusters (you do not have to wait for your partner to complete the run, but they do need to complete their thrusters before C2B pull-ups can start).

Your score is the total number of calories completed at the end of 24 minutes.

Jenny Morgan
Friday Deads

But of course we couldn’t let it be JUST deadlifts. Be smart about the weights (reinforce good, solid position and technique) and focus on staying explosive on the box after each barbell set. If you’re feeling good and moving well then increase the loading as much as your form allows (make a good decision every time!) — if not then keep the loading lighter (or more moderate) and focus on improving the movement pattern even as fatigue creeps into the picture.

Happy Friday!

WOD For 01-10-20:

Every 2 Minutes For 15 Rounds (30 Total Minutes):

ROUNDS 1 - 5

5 Deadlifts @ pick load

7 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20 in

ROUNDS 6 - 10

3 Deadlifts @ pick load

7 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20 in

ROUNDS 11-15

1 Deadlift @ pick load

7 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20 in

*Go immediately from the deadlifts to the box jump overs, and then use the remaining time to change weights before the next round (if so desired).

*Climbing is allowed as long as form/technique is safe & solid – NO SKETCHY REPS!

*No rebounding – focus instead on explosive power and landing height on the box

Jenny Morgan
Thursday: Slow Down Then Speed Up

Thursday’s program follows-up on the longer, more aerobic piece from Wednesday and incorporates some pre-hab/stability work for the shoulder girdle (a good opportunity to slow down) and then a medium time domain AMRAP triplet with barbell, bodyweight, and skill all rolled into one.


WOD For 01-09-20:

Turkish Get-up:
3-3-3 (per side)


AMRAP 14 Minutes:

10 Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs

20 Hand Release Push-ups

40 Double Unders

Jenny Morgan
Healthy Habits Challenge + AR Slack Channel

With the Healthy Habits Challenge beginning, Sarah, Tony, and Jeff want to invite our members to participate in an AR Slack channel to facilitate encouragement, strategy sharing, accountability, or whatever else you may find useful among other participants in the channel/challenges you join. Check out this post in the private Arena Ready Facebook group for more details on how to join the AR Slack channel, or to post any questions you may have in the comments (there are already several helpful IT tips from Jeff detailed in the comments thread).

Now then, here comes the mid-week movements change-up to give us a break from the barbell and provide a longer conditioning stimulus than we saw through the early part of the week. Enjoy!

WOD For 01-08-20:

2 Rounds For Time:

800m Run

50 AbMat Sit-ups

40 Walking Lunges

30/25 Calorie Row

20 Russian KB Swings @ 70/53 lbs

10 Burpee Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

Jenny Morgan
Upper Push > Lower Push

Monday’s upper pushing focus (hello shoulders!) transitions into Tuesday’s lower pushing focus as we attack some heavy squats and then a short, intense conditioning piece. Not to worry, friends who like it lower & slower, some longer aerobic pieces await us as the week develops — but first, SKWATS!

WOD For 01-07-20:

Back Squat:



AMRAP 7 Minutes:

15 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

5 Burpee Box Jumps @ 30/24 in

If you’re concerned about clearing the box at the Rx height, especially given the movement combination (where did my legs go?!), then scale down and keep your shins happy. In fact, if you cannot land above parallel on the box when starting this WOD you should scale down — the jumping action is intended to be an explosive movement under fatigue, and not an experiment of how one can contort themselves into a crumpled ball when landing on top (you know who you are).

Jenny Morgan
Coach Sarah: Healthy Habits Challenge

10 years ago, I stumbled into my first CrossFit gym after a lifetime of sports, essentially still wanting the six-pack abs I’d never been able to achieve despite tons of calorie counting and endless hours of long slow distance. I was scared of receiving nutrition advice after nearly a decade of disordered eating, so much so that I asked the owner for a discount if I opted out of the nutrition part of their offering (lest you wonder why we leave that an opt-in option at AR). I had also spent endless hours performing long slow distance (despite hating it), thinking that was the key to the physique I wanted, because I lacked an understanding of metabolic systems and the core effectiveness of high intensity exercise). Anyway, it wasn’t long before I came across the nutrition part of Coach Glassman’s Fitness in 100 words… “eat meat and vegetables, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Eat in quantities that support exercise but not body fat.” Learning to live by these simple sentences dramatically altered my body composition (and probably even my entire life).

As our January Healthy Habits Challenge begins (naturally, starting the Monday AFTER our Holiday Party, because clearly no one was making Spam musubi or banana cream pie so that no one could eat it!) I am reminded of the monumental shift that happened for me as I learned to eat as much as I wanted for the first time in my life (after years of restricting, thinking less was better, to no avail), and to keep my selections based on the stuff that people have eaten for centuries (none of the processed crap, including Paleo, Vegan and Keto fads in packages).

Each year as we introduce this challenge, I’m reminded how important it is to truly consider the impact our daily choices have on our every day wellbeing. I’ll also never forget the destruction my focus on all the wrong things had on my mindset and health for far too many years. The idea with this challenge is not for it to be a source of temporary motivation oriented around restriction and deprivation. It is intended to be an opportunity to focus on creating habits you believe will help you be a healthier version of yourself in the long run, and to give you a bit of accountability (and some shiny stickers) to support you in that goal.

I’m also reminded of my college coach, who emphasized to me time and again that the BASICS are the foundation for everything. It’s the simple stuff, like consistently going to bed on time, or eating fruits and vegetables, and keeping caffeine, alcohol and sugar intake in check, that is the most impactful to our wellbeing in the long run. So often we get ahead of ourselves and want to find the next big thing, when the simple things are really all we need to get the results we desire.

This year our challenges will include the perennial category “favorites” - drink more water, consume less caffeine, alcohol and/or sugar, get more sleep, and nutrition overhaul (which is an opportunity to test an eating style like Whole30, or Paleo, and I suppose macro tracking, Keto, Intermittent Fasting, and vegetarian or vegan if you’re so inclined, but please talk with me first!)

This year in the spirit of embracing the importance of a primarily plant-based diet we’ll also be introducing the 800g challenge, popularized by EC Synkowski of OptimizeMe Nutrition, which in a nutshell means to eat 800g or more of fruits and vegetables per day - increasing fiber intake and micronutrient consumption (and ideally variety). We haven’t seen research to support the removal of [high-quality, unprocessed] meat from your diet, but we’re entirely convinced that the presence of lots of fruits and vegetables (both raw and cooked) in your life will improve your wellbeing, and we’re all for encouraging this part of the primarily plant-based trend.

Also, another new addition will be the digital detox challenge — thanks to Coach Kim for the suggestion!

So, with all this in mind, please consider your current habits, and whether these habits are currently leading you in the direction of your goals. If you find discrepancy between your current habits and the ones you’d like to have, we’d love for you to join us in one or more of the challenges mentioned above starting on January 6 and continuing at least through the end of the month (hopefully you’ll love it and just keep it rolling).

If you’d like us to support you in a challenge not mentioned above, or you’d like guidance about which challenge would best suit your current goals please don’t hesitate to reach out.


WOD For 01-06-20:

Strict Press:


Push Press:


Push Jerk:



AMRAP 10 Minutes:

8 Seated Double Dumbbell Strict Presses @ 35/30 lbs (per side)

8 Plate Ground-to-Overhead @ 45/35 lbs

16 Kettlebell Goblet Squats @ 53/35 lbs

Jenny Morgan