Workout of the Day

Jenny Morgan Jenny Morgan

Spicy, Sweaty Saturday

This Sweaty Saturday WOD has all the spicy deliciousness you could want. Kettlebells? We got ‘em. Barbells? Them, too. Running with a med ball? CHECK. Don’t forget v-ups and burpees, too!


For time, with a partner (split anyhow)

800m Med Ball Run 20/14

70 Kb Swings 70/53 lbs

60 Lateral Bar Burpees

50 V-Ups

40 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs

30 Front Squats, 135/95 lbs

20 Clusters, 135/95 lbs

800m Med Ball Run 20/14#

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Jenny Morgan Jenny Morgan

The Dawn of a New Day

“When day comes we step out of the shade,
aflame and unafraid
The new dawn blooms as we free it
For there is always light,
if only we’re brave enough to see it
If only we’re brave enough to be it”

—Excerpted from “The Hill We Climb,” Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman’s Inauguration Day poem

THURSDAY, 1/21/21

WOD #1: Every 6 minutes for 4 rounds:

7 Deadlifts, 135/95 lbs

7 Hang Power Cleans

14 Front Rack Lunges

14 Laying Toes-to-bars

21/18 Row Calories

Each interval is for time

WOD #2:

For quality: Row 10 minutes

Set splits to 2 mins and compare pace and stroke rate for all 5 intervals.

FRIDAY, 1/22/21

WOD #1:

Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1, using heaviest weight per set

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3, using heaviest weight per set

Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5, using heaviest weight per set

WOD #2:

CrossFit Open 11.3

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:

Squat clean 165/110 lbs

Jerk 165/110 lbs

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Jenny Morgan Jenny Morgan

Thank you, FCCF Community!

Thank you, FCCF Community, for making our new Rev. Dr. MLK, Jr. Day Tribute WOD tradition such a successful one.

We saw new and old faces at the gym, we were delighted that many remote community members joined in, and we raised thousands of dollars for local non-profit orgs that serve communities of color. Now onto that Inauguration Day…!

TUESDAY, 1/19/21

WOD #1: EMOM, 3 Rounds, for Quality:

Good Mornings

Eccentric Push-ups (3-second descent, then explosive push-up)

Bent-over Rows

Side Planks (switch halfway through)

Use the same barbell weight for Good Mornings and Bent-over Rows.

WOD #2



Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.


WOD #1:

Snatch + Overhead Squat


WOD #2: 3 rounds for time of:

Run, 400 m

5 Power Snatches, 115/80 lbs

10 Overhead Squats

10 Lateral Bar Burpees

400m run = 500m row/ski or 1200m bike

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Jenny Morgan Jenny Morgan

Black Lives Matter. An MLK, Jr. Day WOD Tradition is born.

At Fog City CF, Black Lives Matter.

On Monday, we'll introduce a new Fog City Community Fitness tradition: an MLK, Jr. Day Tribute workout and community give-back.

The best way we think we can give back to the broader community during COVID is $$$, so we have gathered member input on local groups that serve communities of color in SF that we can lift up and contribute to:

Black. Lives. Matter. Period.

On MLK, Jr. Day, we’ve made classes FREE in hopes to see more of your friendly faces and to maximize our community’s impact: We ask if you join us in doing the MLK, Jr. Day Tribute WOD at FCCF or at home that you contribute to one of these causes and list Fog City Community Fitness in the comments, in addition to your name.

Stacey Abrams

5 Rounds for Time:

10 SA DB Push Press 50/35 (split anyhow)

20 DB Goblet Squats 50/35

20 Sit Ups

46 Double Unders

Fog City CF Tribute WOD: Note that Tribute Hero WODs are typically programmed and recognized by CrossFit for members of the military and first responders who have given their lives in the line of duty which we honor on many holidays at FCCF. This WOD is a living tribute to the hard work, persistence, and impact of Stacey Abrams in supporting grassroots organizers, the right to vote, and equal rights and protection for all under the constitution.

Stacey Abrams embodies our FCCF values: inclusivity, equity, and persistence. She keeps showing up, and pushing the people around her to do the same.

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Jenny Morgan Jenny Morgan

Partner WOD: Christine

Happy Sweaty Saturday! This Christine WOD is a “Benchmark Girl WOD” used in CrossFit workouts to assess an athlete’s progress over time. If your hips are feeling a bit squeaky after Thursday’s burpees/squats, come on in and flush it out with some explosive rowing/running, deadlifts, and box jumps!

And for the Ladies of Fog City, Nevada will be hosting a weekly nutrition accountability check-in this Sunday night starting at 7:30pm. Come with whatever nutrition goal you are working with right now. The format will be to share your goal, say how it's going, and ask for any tips or accountability help you might need. Head over to Slack or Facebook for Zoom details.


SATURDAY 1/16/21

WOD | Partner Christine:

With a partner, 6 rounds for time of:

Row 500m or Run 400m

12 Deadlifts, 225/155 lbs

21 Box Jumps, 24/20 inches

Split the work between partners anyhow

SUNDAY 1/17/21

Open gym!

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Jenny Morgan Jenny Morgan

Burn, Baby, Burn!

Finish the week strong!

We’ve got a beautiful body movement workout for you on Thursday comprising burpees and air squats. Why not work on your form AND your fitness?

Friday brings back the good old “lift & sit,” focusing on Clean & Jerks, followed by some strength accessory work for quality.



THURSDAY 1/14/21

WOD | 10 rounds, go every 3 minutes:

10 Burpees

15 Air Squats

Each round is for time.

FRIDAY 1/15/21

PART A | Lift & Sit:

Clean & Jerk 3-3-3-3-3

PART B | For Quality:

3 rounds:

12 Russian Twists

Farmer's Carry, 50m

12 Single Leg Deadlift

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Jenny Morgan Jenny Morgan

Monday, Monday (and Tuesday & Wednesday)

So good to me…

It’s funny that when you get older that you sometimes look forward to Mondays. They can be a bit of a restart, a renewal. This week’s workouts are designed to help you do that, and, especially after last week’s insurrection/coup, is sorely needed.

On a related note, we are starting to program the workouts with the upcoming—2 months away!—CrossFit Open in mind. Registration is live, so get on it! Stay tuned for more info on how Fog City CF will be supporting those folx who want to do the Open (which should be everyone — it’s a fun and a fantastic community-building event).


MONDAY 1/11/21

PART A | In 18 minutes:

Tempo Front Squat



PART B | For time:

Shuttle Run, 200 m (4x 50 m)

12 Front Squats, 185/135 lbs

Shuttle Run, 200 m (4x 50 m)

35 Abmat Sit-ups

Shuttle Run, 200 m (4x 50 m)

Walking Lunge, 70 m

Shuttle Run, 200 m (4x 50 m)

35 Abmat Sit-ups

Shuttle Run, 200 m (4x 50 m)

12 Front Squats, 185/135 lbs

Shuttle Run, 200 m (4x 50 m)

TUESDAY 1/12/21

PART A | In 25 minutes:

2 Power Snatches + 1 Squat Snatch


PART B | 3 Rounds for time x 2:

3 Rounds for time:

9 Power Snatches, 135/95 lbs

9/6 Row Calories

At 10:00:

3 Rounds for time:

9 Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs

9/6 Row Calories

WEDNESDAY, 1/13/21

PART A | EMOM for 3 rounds:

Hollow Rocks

Handstand Hold

Single Arm KB Press, 30 sec per arm (pick load)

Dead Stop Russian KB Swings (pick load)

PART B | "TGU Nate" :

AMRAP 20 Minutes:

2 Turkish Get-ups, 53/35 lbs

4 Handstand Push-ups

8 Kettlebell Swings, 70/53 lbs

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Jenny Morgan Jenny Morgan

Set your body benchmark with BodySpec scanning!

BodySpec is back!

As part of our January healthy lifestyle challenge, we’re bringing back the BodySpec body scan offering on Saturday, January 16th! This mobile scan technology, which is used by professional athletes, offers a unique view of your body and can help you understand better how to set your health and fitness goals. 

The scan takes just 10 minutes and it costs $45 (HSA/FSA eligible). What better way to kick off the year than to set your body benchmark?

The BodyScan mobile van will be in our parking lot Saturday, January 16th from 8am to 12pm. 

Here’s how to sign up*: 

  1. Schedule a scan appointment here:  

    • Simply click on your preferred appointment (green slots are available). 

      • If you’re a previous client, log in. 

    • Select your scan package. 

    • Fill out the payment and account info and then complete your intake form. (If on a shared computer, log yourself out before the next person signs up.) 

  2. On scan day, wear your workout clothes and leave metal and other jewelry at home. The scan takes approximately 10-minutes. If you have metal you cannot remove, you can still scan without a problem. 

  3. After the scan, you’ll receive instructions on how to schedule a remote consultation with BodySpec's fitness experts to help better understand your scan results. 

  4. Digital PDF copies of these results are uploaded into your account on the BodySpec website for you to access anytime. 

COVID Safety: Please click this link to read BodyScan’s COVID safety procedures, and plan to wear your mask throughout the scan. 

*Note: The scanner performs a very weak x-ray with radiation exposure equal to that from eating four bananas. They cannot scan pregnant women or individuals over 350 lbs. due to scanner restrictions. Please e-mail if you have any questions or need help.



PART A | In 14 minutes:



PART B | 5 Rounds for time:

50 Double Unders

5 Deadlifts, 255/175

25 Push-ups

FRIDAY 1/8/21

PART A | 4 Rounds for quality:

Dot Drill

Complete 2 rounds with the R foot and 2 rounds with the L foot.

Crow Pose w/ modifications, 1 min

Work on hand position and balance.

PART B | 10 Rounds for time:

10 Dumbbell Power Snatches, 50/35 lbs

Handstand Walk, 5 m


PART A | 21-15-9, for time:

Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 lbs

Med Ball Clean 20/14 lbs (Chest to Bar Pull-up if available)

PART B | 6 Rounds for time, with a partner:

400m Run

100m Farmer Carry 50/35 lbs DBs or 53/35 lbs KBs

Split the work anyhow.

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Jenny Morgan Jenny Morgan

Start the new year off right!

Check out Friday’s blog for healthy lifestyle January challenge details and hop onto Slack to trade recipes, give encouragement, and find some support. And come in this week to get your workout on!

MONDAY 1/4/21 (Morning classes will be on Zoom due to rain; Noon TBD check Facebook; 4.30pm & 5.30pm in person)

PART A | In 13 minutes:

DB Curtis P, 5x3

Curtis P = 1 power clean, 1 lunge right, 1 lunge left, 1 push press

PART B | 4 Rounds for max reps:

Alternating Dumbbell Plank Row, 50/35 lbs, 1 min (demo video)

Sit-ups, 1 min

Dumbbell Squat Cleans, 50/35 lbs, 1 min

Rest 2 mins between each round

TUESDAY 1/5/21

PART A | Hang snatch EMOM, 25 minutes:

Minutes 1-5: 3 Hang Snatches, pick load

Minutes 6-10: 2 Hang Snatches, pick load

Minutes 11-25: 1 Hang Snatch, pick load


PART A | For time:

Run, 800m

50 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs

25 Hollow Rocks

Row, 1000m

25 Hollow Rocks

50 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs

Run, 800m

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Jenny Morgan Jenny Morgan

New year, same crew!

It’s a new year! At FCCF, we promote healthy, sustainable lifestyles all year long. But we also know that a January community health challenge can help build healthy habits. So this year, we’re continuing with January healthy lifestyle challenges. We’ll have four challenges, and you can do one, a few, or all.

  • Less alcohol

  • Less sugar

  • 800g of veggies/fruits (more specifics on this one here)

  • Nutrition overhaul (give yourself a larger challenge for a month! Try Whole 30, macro counting, Paleo, or another option you’ve been curious about.)

Log your nutrition “wins” each day in BTWB and hop over to the FCCF #healthy-habits Slack channel for encouragement, recipe sharing, and debates about what 800g of plants REALLY looks like.

January Challenge Guidance:

  1. Set a tangible goal (use the categories above to set a goal, e.g. no drinks on weekdays, track all my food, 800g challenge, no desserts, commit to a Whole30)

  2. Determine how to track progress (e.g. BTWB, My Fitness Pal, or other app, selfies/measurements/weighing, etc.)

  3. Determine how to stay accountable (e.g. log on BTWB, post to Slack, find an accountability buddy, join zoom sessions etc)

  4. Pearls of advice from Coach Alex: Focus on building habits you can sustain year round, whether it’s working out 3x/week, cutting down on alcohol, or eating 800g of veggies most days. Think about making nutrition a priority in addition to exercise.

Want extra help?  Here’s some other resources that may be of interest:

Wellness Coaching - Leisa Askew

Precision Nutrition Program - Alex Garcia, Angela Loudermilk

Dexa Scan for Baseline measurements - Sat 1/16 at the gym, let us know if you’re interested

Also: LAST CALL for current drop in and 10 pack prices. Monday we’ll be moving to the standard $30 for drop ins, $280 for a ten pack.

If you have any questions or need access to Beyond the Whiteboard, email us at!

SATURDAY 1/2/21 (!)

PART A ) Teams of 2, AMRAP in 30 minutes:

8 Burpees

10 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs

12 Air Squats

50ft Shuttle Sprint

I go one full round, you go one full round!

SUNDAY 1/3/21

Open gym

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Jenny Morgan Jenny Morgan

Merry christmas & holiday wod

For those that celebrate, we hope you’ve had a great holiday. For those that don’t celebrate, we hope you’ve have a lovely day nevertheless.

Tomorrow we’ll be at Kezar track for a holiday weekend track wod!

Saturday 12/26/20

PART A) 3-4 Rounds

500m run

Walk 100m

Runout 100m

Walk 100m

Rest 1:30

PART B) 3 Reps for Quality

150m build up

80% max effort

Walk back rest

Suggested Rep - every 50m jog | run | medium sprint

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Jenny Morgan Jenny Morgan

Holiday schedule & workoutS

FCCF holiday’s schedule is 8am, 9.15am, and 10.30am on 12/24, no classes 12/25, and 8am and 9.15am TRACK workout at Kezar Stadium Track with Coach Katoa.

We’re going back to our roots with AR’s 12 Days of CrossFit. Note the movement changes to accommodate the outdoor nature of the workout, and don’t forget to bring your jump rope!

THURSDAY 12/24/20

PART B | AR’s 12 Days of Crossfit, for time:

1 Run 200m

2 Power Snatches @ 135/95 lbs

3 Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs


5 KB Swings @ 53/35 lbs

6 Box Jumps 30/24

7 Bent-over Row @ 135/95 lbs

8 Wall Ball @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

9 Double Unders

10 Pistols, alternating

11 Burpees

12 Thrusters @ 135/95 lbs


PART A | In 12 mins:

With a continuously running clock perform:

1 DB Thruster in the first 1 min

2 DB Thrusters in the second 1 min

3 DB Thrusters in the third 1 min

Continuing this for as long as you are able

PART B | In 12 minutes:

With a continuously running clock perform:

1 Strict Pull-up in the first 1 min

2 Strict Pull-ups in the second 1 min

3 Strict Pull-ups in the third 1 min...

Continuing this for as long as you are able

Super Fitness Robot rounds: Completing the round of 12 or more for both movements.

More Likely time rounds: Completing the round of 8 or more for both movements.

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