Pick up your T’s and Tanks today, Saturday, or Monday at the outdoor workouts.
There are a few extras of all sizes and styles, so if you didn’t put in an order, it’s not too late!
Don’t forget: No Friday evening class - but Friday 3pm Open Gym is on!
THURSDAY 9/03/20
PART A | In 25 Minutes:
Pause back squats
50 Dumbbell squats
100 Dumbbell walking lunges
PART B | 12 Minute AMRAP:
4 Strict Handstand Push-ups
8 Russian Twists 20/14lbs
16 Pistols
Equipment: Barbell & weights or Dumbbells; Medball or other weight
FRIDAY 9/04/20
PART A | in 13 Minutes:
1 Power Clean + 3 Push Press
Establish a heavy single
1 Power Clean + 3 Strict Press + 3 Push Press
PART B | For time:
21 Push Press, 95/65 lbs
21 Pull-ups
21/15 Row Calories
15 Push Press, 95/65 lbs
15 Pull-ups
15/10 Row Calories
9 Push Press, 95/65 lbs
9 Pull-ups
9/5 Row Calories
Equipment: Barbell & weights or Dumbbells; Pull up bar; Rower or space to run